Enjoy the music video of the OPM Latest Hits “Take and Receive by Morissette Amon ”
Composed by Fr. Manoling Francisco, SJ.
Arranged by Albert Tamayo
Published by Filscap
Vocal Dubbing Engineered by Dan Tanedo
Recorded at Bellhaus Recording Studio
Mixed by Dante Tanedo
Produced by Jamie Rivera
Lyric Video by Archelle de Belen
Video by Eaizen Almazan

Take and Receive lyrics by Morissette Amon
Take and receive, O Lord, my liberty
Take all my will, my mind, my memory
All things I hold and all I own are Thine
Thine was the gift, to Thee I all resign
Do Thou direct and govern all and sway
Do what Thou wilt, command, and I obey
Only Thy grace, Thy love on me bestow
These make me rich, all else will I forego. (Repeat)
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