Barangay (OFW Song) | Filipino "Belle: Little Town" Beauty and the Beast Parody
If Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast were Filipina, singing about Filipino topics, this is probably how the scene would have turned out. This parody is about the magical moments of a Filipino migrating abroad to be an OFW to the tune of Disney's Beauty and the Beast's "Belle: Little Town". Hope you enjoy it!
Special Thanks to Atty Mary Carmen of Madrid Crost Law Office
Lyrics of Barangay by Mikey Bustos (OFW Song)
Barangay (OFW Song) | Filipino "Belle: Little Town" Beauty and the Beast Parody
If Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast were Filipina, singing about Filipino topics, this is probably how the scene would have turned out. This parody is about the magical moments of a Filipino migrating abroad to be an OFW to the tune of Disney's Beauty and the Beast's "Belle: Little Town". Hope you enjoy it!
Special Thanks to Atty Mary Carmen of Madrid Crost Law Office
If Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast were Filipina, singing about Filipino topics, this is probably how the scene would have turned out. This parody is about the magical moments of a Filipino migrating abroad to be an OFW to the tune of Disney's Beauty and the Beast's "Belle: Little Town". Hope you enjoy it!
Special Thanks to Atty Mary Carmen of Madrid Crost Law Office

Lyrics of Barangay by Mikey Bustos (OFW Song)
We are very sorry to inform you that the lyrics of this song is still not available at this moment.
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